
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday List Day the First

As some of you might know I am a bit of a list-o-maniac...
So it only seems fitting that I should make it a feature on le blog.

So here we are Wednesday List Day the First!

I had the day off and I was feeling highly motivated (don't you love it when that happens?)  I decided to make a mega check list of things to do.

Yup that's right... TWO SIDES!

As you can tell there are still a few things to check off.... But here goes one more item <3

Reward you ask?  
Check out these little beauties I picked up for desert!

As you will notice the blog will be undergoing a few changes in the coming week or so... I'm hoping to make this place a little more like me (if you understand where my hippy-vagueness is going here)

Tomorrow I will be back with an Etsy shop update but until then here's a little sneak peak for my Little Junipers



  1. Aww, you have Joel's love letter on there twice :c) So cute! I miss being in love!!

  2. Yeah I think I was tired... then I realized... then I smiled and checked it off :D Don't worry Tyra... it will happen again! Those Alberta boys are pretty awesome.

  3. I'm on there! or at least someone named Amber is... and there's candy written beside it :) and why does Sica's birthday have September 4th written by it... What shall we do for her birthday? you have plans already?
    Love ya!

  4. I just got a spindle not too long ago! I really would like to get my hands on a wheel soon. Looking forward to seeing what you will be doing on here:)


    p.s. thanks for stopping by manzanita!
